The Spoiler Corner

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This Might Just Be a Vibe Check

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This is my first ever blog post! I’ve got to be honest, I’m a little nervous😅 The only time I ever had a blog was in my eighth grade English class where my teacher had us all make a little blog and post short stories. After writing some insanely random stories (including one about a pink zebra outcast based on my zebra print binder, which I’m pretty sure ended in the zebra getting turned into a binder itself😭), I was not too eager to continue that blogging journey.

This is my introductory post to give you a feel of my writing style and my personality before any of my actual reviews. I don’t want anyone going into my reviews blind and getting an ultra-shock at my laissez-faire attitude in them. My opinions are mine alone and I surely don’t want it to come across in my reviews that I’m speaking for everyone. I may rate something incredibly low while that same book or movie may be other people’s favourite! We all have different tastes and different experiences and that’s more than okay, it’s awesome😄

Another thing to expect in my writing; emojis and exclamation points. In person, I can go crazy with my facial expressions or the excitement in my voice. This, in turn, leads to me feeling a deep need to put emojis and exclamation points all over my writing! I can’t help it🙈 If you’re not a fan, I definitely understand. It’s okay to have preferences!

Those of you who are interested to follow along and read my reviews, well, thank you first of all! You can expect a mix of reviews of movies of any genre I decide to watch, as well as various books. Books I read will have a strong pull towards romance novels as those are my bread and butter, but I do like to read things in other genres and if anyone has anything in particular to recommend I have a Contact Me page that can be used to send me those recommendations!

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